
  • This is a TechQuiz Game where all the questions are related to technology
  • There is live Scoreboard which get Updated every time you finish a level
  • You can check your score in Levels Page
  • Our Game consists of three Categories:
    1. Beginner
    2. Intermediate
    3. Advanced
  • Each Category is Further Divided in several other levels
  • Each level in a category has some goals

Let's First Start with Beginner Category


Brief Summary:

  • Total Levels:6
  • Number of Questions(in each level):5
  • Total Number of Questions:30
  • Total Starts on take:


Brief Summary:

  • Total Levels:6
  • Number of Questions(in each level):5
  • Total Number of Questions:30
  • Total Starts on take:


Brief Summary:

  • Total Levels:3
  • Number of Questions(in each level):5
  • Total Number of Questions:15
  • Total Starts on take:

Additional Instructions

Well,TechQuiz|Hub is designed in such a way that anybody can play and have fun,but for user's sake and comfort we will guide you through whenever you are in need

So, Let's Begin Journey to a world of Junkers

    First Step:
  • Click on the Play Now Button
  • Second Step:
  • Select the appropriate level according to your knowledge and wish
  • Third Step:
  • Give Answers for every questions you know
  • Fourth Step:
  • Finally check your score by clicking on Get Result Button

So, simple